An award-winning sustainable entrepreneur combining vision, theory and practice, Bernice set her mission to problem-solve using design thinking and creative innovation; having identified the systemic issues of over-consumption early on. She gained her PhD in design management for The Fashion System, after architectural degrees at University of Cambridge and Royal College of Art, and a fashion career in New York and London.
Bernice founded pioneering sustainable fashion brand DEPLOY in 2006 as a strategic action plan to reform fashion. Its novel 3600 Sustainability business model of customised product-service-experience, zerowaste supply chain, on-demand production, creative upcycling, agile retail operation, bespoke after-sale service, and education-humanitarian partnerships increases benefit for people whilst reducing damage for the environment. DEPLOY is named the Ethical Brand of the Year as winner of the 2023 Marie Claire’s Sustainability Award. It is one of the world’s highest-scoring certified B Corps and actively contributes towards 12 of UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.